Given the PC/Wokester “toxic masculinity,” “compulsive rapist oppressors," "white, heterosexual males are BAD" browbeating endemic throughout modern lit, why on earth would they want to?
If you limit youe education to what is offered in school. you'll never learn anything. By the time I graduated from high school, I'd read nearly every book of Twain's collected works, including his downright controversial ones on society, the Christian religion, and his send-up of Christian Science, as revealed, taught, copyrighted, patented, and above all, sold by Mary Baker Eddy and her heirs and assigns into eternity - cold hard cash isn't Mortal Mind... Same case for Hemingway, Arthur Clarke, and Robert Heinlein, whose Stranger in a Strange Land I was reading as men were walking around on the moon on July 20, 1969 - and I stayed up to watch the whole thing on TV. The world has been deluged with bullshit masquerading as knowledge ever since, I know of a more recent (2012) university grad in English Literature, who never read a word by Twain, or Hemingway, or anyone else, just "literary criticism" purporting to "deconstruct" those works. Oh, and I also read Mark Lane's Rush to Judgment when it came out in 1968 - given to me by my grandmother, probably so I could embarrass my uncle (her son), who was a law partner with Allen Dulles in Sullivan and Cromwell in NYC, into a limited hangout at Thanksgiving dinner - no, it wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald who did the deed, it was a Mob hit by Sam Giancana, and I was to keep my mouth shut about it or else, in a little heart to heart talk after dinner... And I read a lot of other stuff - I never let my schooling get in the way of my education.
If you limit youe education to what is offered in school. you'll never learn anything. By the time I graduated from high school, I'd read nearly every book of Twain's collected works, including his downright controversial ones on society, the Christian religion, and his send-up of Christian Science, as revealed, taught, copyrighted, patented, and above all, sold by Mary Baker Eddy and her heirs and assigns into eternity - cold hard cash isn't Mortal Mind... Same case for Hemingway, Arthur Clarke, and Robert Heinlein, whose Stranger in a Strange Land I was reading as men were walking around on the moon on July 20, 1969 - and I stayed up to watch the whole thing on TV. The world has been deluged with bullshit masquerading as knowledge ever since, I know of a more recent (2012) university grad in English Literature, who never read a word by Twain, or Hemingway, or anyone else, just "literary criticism" purporting to "deconstruct" those works. Oh, and I also read Mark Lane's Rush to Judgment when it came out in 1968 - given to me by my grandmother, probably so I could embarrass my uncle (her son), who was a law partner with Allen Dulles in Sullivan and Cromwell in NYC, into a limited hangout at Thanksgiving dinner - no, it wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald who did the deed, it was a Mob hit by Sam Giancana, and I was to keep my mouth shut about it or else, in a little heart to heart talk after dinner... And I read a lot of other stuff - I never let my schooling get in the way of my education.