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If you limit youe education to what is offered in school. you'll never learn anything. By the time I graduated from high school, I'd read nearly every book of Twain's collected works, including his downright controversial ones on society, the Christian religion, and his send-up of Christian Science, as revealed, taught, copyrighted, patented, and above all, sold by Mary Baker Eddy and her heirs and assigns into eternity - cold hard cash isn't Mortal Mind... Same case for Hemingway, Arthur Clarke, and Robert Heinlein, whose Stranger in a Strange Land I was reading as men were walking around on the moon on July 20, 1969 - and I stayed up to watch the whole thing on TV. The world has been deluged with bullshit masquerading as knowledge ever since, I know of a more recent (2012) university grad in English Literature, who never read a word by Twain, or Hemingway, or anyone else, just "literary criticism" purporting to "deconstruct" those works. Oh, and I also read Mark Lane's Rush to Judgment when it came out in 1968 - given to me by my grandmother, probably so I could embarrass my uncle (her son), who was a law partner with Allen Dulles in Sullivan and Cromwell in NYC, into a limited hangout at Thanksgiving dinner - no, it wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald who did the deed, it was a Mob hit by Sam Giancana, and I was to keep my mouth shut about it or else, in a little heart to heart talk after dinner... And I read a lot of other stuff - I never let my schooling get in the way of my education.

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