You're here, we ain't skeered, get used to it
Oh, and while we're at it: hands off our children, you sick pedophile fucks, lest we start breaking fucking heads and holding curb-stomping parties on your sorry asses.
NYC Pride: 'We're Coming For Your Children'
In a profoundly unsettling turn of events, amidst ongoing allegations of grooming children, fervent LGBTQ pride activists in New York City boldly took to the streets last week, openly divulging their intent to indoctrinate young children with their destructive ideology.The New York City Pride march included adult males donning provocative women’s attire alongside brazenly topless women, echoing the chilling mantra: “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”
For as long as we’ve been warning about the grooming of children, the radical left has denied it. But this video shows that the pride movement is clearly emboldened and no longer feels the need to hide its true objectives. They are coming for your children.
“This movement grooms minors to have mastectomies and castration and fuels a multi-billion dollar medical child abuse industry,” tweeted Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) in response to the NYC Pride video.
And remember, according to them, MTG is the dangerous, threatening weirdo here. Oh, and did somebody mention sick pedophile fucks a moment ago? Pretty sure I heard somebody say something along those lines.
Shocker: Nation's First Trans Lawmaker Arrested on Child Porn Charges
I know: knock me over with a feather, right? The first man who insists he is a woman to become a state lawmaker, Stacie Marie Laughton, has been arrested on charges of distributing child pornography. As PJM’s Paula Bolyard put it, “Who could have predicted that someone who immerses himself in sexual perversion could do something like this?” The answer is that no one on the Left could have predicted it, because Leftists remain determined to pretend, and demand that we pretend, that the transgender madness isn’t madness at all, and that those who are in the grip of these delusions and fantasies are perfectly normal and well-adjusted.The Daily Wire reported Friday that a gentleman named Stacie Marie Laughton, formerly known as Barry Charles Laughton, Jr., “is now facing four counts of distributing sexually explicit images of children.” According to a Thursday report in the Nashua, N.H., Patch, Sgt. John Cinelli of the Nashua Police Department said that officers “spoke with reporting parties that indicated Laughton distributed sexually explicit images of children.”
Laughton’s claim to fame is that he was elected, not once but twice, to the New Hampshire state legislature. Apparently, he managed to conceal the unsavory details of his record from New Hampshire voters long enough to get elected the first time. But then he was elected again. It’s unclear why Granite State voters are so fond of this fellow, as his record is full of even more red flags than just the fact that he is a man who has grown his hair long and now, despite his receding hairline, demands to be regarded as a woman.
Unclear? Nah, not so much; obviously, "Granite State voters" are every bit as fucked up as this deeply disturbed Laughton fellow is.
Back in 2008, according to the Patch, “she was convicted of conspiracy to commit credit card fraud and falsifying physical evidence charges while living in Laconia as a man.” That sentence neatly encapsulates the madness of our age. Patch dutifully refers to Laughton as “she,” and says he was “living in Laconia as a man,” when the reality is exactly the opposite: he is now living as a woman, when he is actually a man and was living as one in 2008. And despite the fact that Laughton’s derangement and mental illness are on full display in Patch’s report, Patch feeds his destructive delusions by pretending that he really is a woman.
Well, of course. I didn’t bother clicking on Spencer's link thereto myself and don’t plan to, but since this is NH we’re talking about, I think it perfectly reasonable to assume that this “Patch” outfit is more than likely just another shitlib Enemedia house organ, whose entire being is all wrapped up in not transgressing the PC catechism by “misgendering” some mentally-ill .05 Percenter™ or other.
Spencer helpfully includes the winsome Ms Laughton’s mug shot so’s none of y’all sensitive, caring CF Lifers will hurt any tranny feeeewings inadvertently. Feast your eyes:
YOWZA, what a looker, eh, boys? Yep, like it or not, this is what a Real Woman looks like in Amerika v2.0 nowadays, folks. I’d toss in a mention of Ye Olde Slipperye Slope right about now, but really, what’s the point? If there’s any place lower for us to sink, I ain’t sure I want to see it, or even know about it, honestly. And once again, I gotta let Sefton have the final word.
I'm sick of these people. And what sickens me most is not necessarily the freaks parading around as they do but the complete radio silence from homosexuals who do not dress up like this and bugger children in the privacy of their own homes. At least I assume they don't. Yeah, Mayor Buttocks is not going to go against this crap. But where is Richard Grenell? Where is every mainstream and normal, for lack of a better word, homo and why are they not shouting these bastards down? Answer: for the same reason that far too many blacks do not speak out against an Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakkhan.
Well, this is war, isn't it. They are indeed coming for your children. And by all accounts the goal is also to come on and in them as well.
Enough of this. The mindset and mantra must be, "If you come for our children, we will come for your heads."
Indeed so. Keep fucking around and you’re gonna find out, freaks. And when you do, a whole lot of others are gonna be taken down right along with you. When the Saxon at last does get his hate on for reals, there aren’t gonna be very many of them who are all that interested in differentiating betwixt the Quick and the Dead, I’d bet.
Which, truth to tell, I can’t quite say I’m as bereft as JJ is regarding that prospect. Far as I’m concerned, while they may not themselves be hurling open threats in the teeth of parents who simply prefer that their children not be raunched up the fudge tunnel like those openly participating in the Transgender Jihad have, by their silence the less radical Left types (if any) still make themselves at best complicit in this most unwholesome of trends.
So be it, then. I’ll have more on this anon at the CF Mothership, folks—Brandon Smith for one has more on this same topic that I’d very much like to cover—and will update this post with a link back when I get it done.
AS PROMISED: The aforementioned CF Mothership post taking a look (via lengthy excerpt, natch) at Brandon Smith’s perorations on a very much related subject is now available for your edification, edumacation, and general delight.