You better bet they will
Via Wes Renegade: don't let's anybody be kidding ourselves about this, awright?
I don’t think you’ve read a single history book.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) September 15, 2022
This Fred Stout naif clearly doesn't know a thing about history, which is absolutely rife with example after example after example standing in direct contradiction of his child-like belief in the existence of unicorns who fart Skittles and rainbows...and military establishments which would side with their countrymen against the government which controls, houses, feeds, clothes, and pays them, however far gone into a state of tyranny it has lapsed.
Divemedic, on the other hand, does. And he doesn't have to reach way back to dim and distant past incidents like Shays' Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion, or even the Civil War-era Manhattan Draft Riots to make his case, either; there are plenty of more recent examples ready to hand, including but by no means limited to:
So many on the right keep claiming that the military would never fire on American citizens if they were ordered to do so. WRSA comes up with a few examples of the military firing on American citizens. They left out an important one.
Congress had long paid a bonus to troops who fought in times of war, to make up the difference between a soldier’s full time civilian job and his soldier’s pay. Coolidge tried to veto the bonus for the troops of World War 1, but his veto was overridden.
Under the law that was passed, each veteran was to receive a dollar for each day of domestic service, up to a maximum of $500 (equivalent to $7,900 in 2021), and $1.25 for each day of overseas service, up to a maximum of $625 (equivalent to $9,900 in 2021). Deducted from this was $60, for the $60 they received upon discharge. Amounts of $50 or less were immediately paid. All other amounts were issued as Certificates of Service maturing in 20 years’ time, or 1945.
By 1932, many veterans had been out of work because of the depression, so about 17,000 of them camped out in two Hoovervilles that were located in Washington, DC. They went there with their families, hoping to be paid the bonus that they were owed in 1932 instead of 1945. The two groups numbered as many as 50,000 men, women, and children.
The camps were tightly controlled and well cared for by the veterans, who laid out streets, built sanitation facilities, set up an internal police force and held daily parades. A vibrant community arose, including churches in tents, kitchens, a library, and even their own post office.
They were told that the only way that they would be paid what they were already owed was to accept work in the Civilian Conservation Corps at Fort Hunt, Virginia.
Some accepted that and went to work, others did not. The veterans thought that by sitting there and refusing to leave, the government would eventually have to relent and pay them what they were owed. Instead, they were given an ultimatum: leave by May 22, or else.
To say that things didn't end well for the Bonus Army would be an all-timer of an understatement: they ended up violently routed by 1000 troops, 800 cops, and six (6) tanks, under the command of Gens MacArthur and Patton, which latter issued orders to his 3rd Cav troopers for a bayonet charge, specifying that "if they resist, they must be killed." Three civilians were killed, with over a thousand injured including an 8 year old boy who was blinded for life in a chemical-warfare attack. In sum?
Not only were MacArthur and his troops willing to fire on and use chemical warfare agents against veterans and their families, in many cases the veterans who were being fired upon had served in the same units as the soldiers who were attacking them with bayonets. In the end, none of the veterans received a single cent of what they were owed, not in 1932, not in 1945, not ever.
Don’t make the mistake of believing for one single second that the military today would hesitate to kill you, if so ordered.
Nope, don't. If you think the cops and/or the military will be on Our Side should any sort of uprising against the FederalGovCo monolith come to pass, you got some more thinking to do, I'm afraid. Yes, some piddling handful will—an act of conscience requiring near-unimaginable courage, courage which every Real American should acknowledge and honor. But as our own history confirms, the overwhelming majority will not.
The fact is, if and when it finally comes down to fighting to regain our stolen liberty and restore Constitutionally-correct governance, it's going to be a for-real fight, no more nor less. There’ll be nothing easy about it; this struggle, like all the ones before it, is going to be a difficult, dirty, painful business, for everyone involved.
The clear willingness of most of the military and police, along with the stubborn refusal among many on Our Side to honestly confront the cold, hard fact of it, is one of the main reasons I've come to believe that Civil War v2.0, if Team Liberty is to have any realistic chance of success, will almost certainly have to be fought via hit-and-run, guerilla-type operations: sniping from a secluded hide, followed by a speedy and quiet exfiltration from the AO; dead-of-night acts of clandestine sabotage; Irish Democracy; and other such semi-covert tactics.