Not the Plandemic, not TheVirusTheVirusTheVirusTHEVIRUS, not the Chinks or the Rocks or the Eyties or the Krauts. Nope, t’was the US government that done trhe deed.
"Covid" Didn't Destroy Businesses and Lives; The Government Did
Time to Change Our Language
I can see already that I ain’t gonna need to tack on much in the way of commentary to this one.
It is time to stop blaming “Covid” for breaking the economy, destroying businesses and livelihoods, and wreaking untold havoc upon families. It was not “Covid” that did this. It was not even the Chinese. It was our government. The government has conditioned us to blame the impersonal “Covid” for the destruction it wrought upon our businesses and families. We need to change the discussion by using the proper language to fix the blame where it belongs.
Good generals can win a battle by picking the terrain upon which they fight. At Waterloo, Wellington forced Napoleon to attack uphill through the mud. At Gettysburg, Meade defended the high ground from Cemetery Hill to the Round Top, forcing the Confederates to attack across the fire-swept Peach Orchard and Wheatfield and the open terrain over which Pickett charged.
The terrain that propagandists and politicians (excuse the redundancy) use is language — the words that they choose to describe issues upon which they wish to fight. Thus, the choice of language can be critical to victory. Think: “Hope and Change” and “Make America Great Again.”
The Government with its politicians and bureaucrats that came nigh onto destroying our economy are trying to avoid responsibility by picking the terrain upon which they wish to fight — by using language that blames the impersonal “Covid” for what they did to the Country. “It’s no one’s fault, you see. Covid did it.” They thereby hope to stave off defeat, or worse, for themselves. Unfortunately, most of us have fallen victim to the ploy. Enough.
This week I was speaking with a relatively new friend who described having had to wrap up some lingering issues relating to the closing of his business. I asked him what kind of business he had owned, and why they had to close. He and his son had started and run a fitness club in North Carolina. It was not part of a chain, and they were not part of a franchise. He and his son were the sole owners.
He said that they had to close their business because, “Covid killed us.” In 2020 “during Covid,” the “progressive” governor of North Carolina forced them to close their doors and cease all business. Almost overnight they lost almost all of their 1300 clients. No business could expect to withstand that and survive.
I thought about what he said for a few minutes and then said that I think we all are using the wrong terminology. We have fallen into the habit of saying things like, “During Covid, we couldn’t even go to church,” “Because of Covid friends lost their jobs” and the like.
I then said to my friend that we all needed to change the language that we had been trained and had become accustomed to using. I said to him, “Covid didn’t close your business, the government did. Coviddid not make the insane decision to close down gyms while leaving liquor stores open; the government did. Covid did not prevent us from going to worship at the church of our choice; the government did. Covid did not chase down and try to arrest bikers, surfers, joggers, and others engaged in outdoor exercise; the government did. Covid did not prevent families from holding and comforting their parents and grandparents during their final hours of life; the government did. Covid did not shut down our schools; the government did (aided and abetted by Randi Weingarten and the teachers’ unions). Covid did not set arbitrary limits on how far apart we should stand everywhere from in grocery stores to national parks, how many people should attend Thanksgiving dinner or other family gatherings in our own homes, while either remaining silent or actively encouraging mass Black Lives Matter demonstrations; the government health bureaucracy and little totalitarians, such as Anthony Fauci and the ‘Scarf Lady,’ Deborah Birx, did.
He’s right as rain, as far as he goes, but he doesn’t go quite far enough to suit me. Yes, the government did indeed do all those nasty, needless things…but ultimately, it was We Duh Peepul who let them get away scot-free with it, and still are. Really, it comes down to the meme I ran in this space last Monday:
The lesson is right there to be learned, if we’re only smart enough and strong enough to learn it—and then to act upon it, and force our would-be Masters to learn it as well.