Yep, I’d have to say Kunstler is all in for RFKJr.
Bobby Kennedy stepped up on Wednesday and gave a long and comprehensive speech so rich with historic resonance, intelligence, and flat-out bravery — in the face of, let’s face it, a Satanic opposition — that he made every other figure aspiring to high office within memory look like quality-control rejects from evolution’s Homo sapiens assembly line. For 90-minutes in a Boston ballroom, RFK, Jr. told America the truth: that its entire matrix of leadership has laid one trip after another on our country going all the way back to the murders of his father and uncle, and he did it plainly, gently, humorously at times, but with an unmistakable gravitas and decorum that must scare the beJeezus out of the low life-forms currently running things.
Oh, think so, do ya? I don’t. After all, what’s to stop Them from giving Bobby Jr the same treatment they did his uncle and father, pray tell?
Oh yeah, I forgot: they’re scared of us because Muh GUUUUNNNNNZ!!!™
Sure they are. Get back to me about just how “scared" they seem to be when they brazenly steal the next “election” from you; lock you down, close your churches, and shutter your family-owned restaurant or business for good because of the next extravagantly-overhyped Planet-Killer scamdemic (which they themselves were responsible for creating, mind); executive-order or bureaucratically-regulate away your last remaining “Constitutional” “right”; and/or legislate you into driving a coal-powered “car” that doesn’t work at all as advertised and that you didn’t want, in the name of “saving” a planet to which EVs do actual, quantifiable harm; etc etc &c.
During which process, all those big, bad, scary GUUUUUNNNNNZ!!!™ will stay right where they are now: locked up in the mandatory gun safe, secured with the mandatory trigger-lock, the ammunition for it tucked away under a pile of boxes in the garage, attic, or basement—y’know, exactly where they told you you had to put ‘em, or face consequences most dire, up to and including a warrantless wee-hours FBI/SWAT brigade raid on your home—complete with up-armored military vehicles, full-auto rifles, Level-IV body armor with plates, flash-bang grenades to lob into cribs and cradles, choppers with blinding spotlights circling overhead, and all the other requisite trimmings for maximum-yield intimidation.
“Scared,” forsooth. Meh. Anyways. Onwards.
Most of all, Bobby demonstrated that there is a way out of the bad-faith wilderness America has been lost in for years.
There is, and in fact there always has been—the Founders laid out, beginning with the Declaration, a quite explicit roadmap for their posterity to follow—it’s just that Americans have lost all faith in the self-evident righteousness of it. But if they—if WE—ought to have been taught anything by life as she has been lived in Amerika v2.0 since, oh, about 2017 or so, it should be that the way out is not to be found on the politics-as-usual path.
He spoke to the audience in the ballroom, and to the country, in an adult conversational tone, without notes, as if he expected that voters would actually understand the problems we face: the wicked partnerships of corporations and governments to swindle and gaslight the public; the reckless military adventurism-for-profit campaign that has bankrupted the USA, now culminating in the Ukraine fiasco; the botched response to the Covid-19 episode and the chicanery that induced it; the insults to our ecosystem that are destroying the other organisms who live with us on this planet; and the financial chicanery that is driving America into inflation and bankruptcy. He reminded the nation of the good-faith efforts sixty years ago to end racial injustice — which has lately turned into a series of dispiriting hustles to promote antagonism and separation.
Bobby’s entry onto the national stage is already a shock to the political system, which is why the captive news media is trying so hard to squash the news about it. They know that he brings something to this game that can trip-up the players currently on-the-field and take the 2024 contest in a wholly different direction than the owners of the game expected. Bobby’s confident adult demeanor at the podium alone is a reassuring and sharp contrast to the spookish mental vacancy of “Joe Biden” and the egotistic childishness of Mr. Trump. Voters will not fail to notice the difference, possibly even Woke Democrats lost in vaccine raptures and other cultish transports of self-righteousness.
I think RFK, Jr. sees very clearly the historical moment he represents. He’s keenly aware of the shade thrown over this land by the murders of his father and President Kennedy, and he has said flat-out in so many words that our own CIA was behind the dastardly acts. He’s been in a position to know the animus between JFK and the founding director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, and the reckless blunders of the agency and its partners in the Pentagon who buffaloed President Kennedy into the Bay of Pigs farce and then tried to drag him deeper into the Vietnam quagmire. JFK resisted that, threatened to shred the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds… and Allen Dulles whacked him. He got away with it the same way that today’s Intel “community” got away with RussiaGate and all their subsequent crimes. In short, Bobby Kennedy knows what it looks like when a government is at war against its own people.
As well he ought to. As well we ALL ought to by now. Lord knows we’ve been given a crash course in it these last several years.
And THIS TIME, Mr Kunstler thinks that the Democrats will run a fair electoral process in their primaries. As if. As if they hadn't screwed Mr Sanders over in the last two - with, of course, Mr Sanders telling his supporters, like the faithful old sheepdog he always was, to support Hillary or Biden. Looks like Bernie has been replaced by RFK, Jr... not that it matters, because the actual national government hasn't been the elected one for about the past 75 years, at least.