Welcome to this week’s edition of our regularly-scheduled Eyrie meme post, folks. Enjoy…
IMPORTANT NOTE! A boon, playgoers, a benison: My lovely daughter Madeleine, who is to my eternal astonishment a high-schooler as of two (2) weeks ago, requests that I commend to the attention of you Eyrirregulars the marching-band fundraiser she is participating in, to wit:
Any of you fine folks who are flush with cash are hereby beseeched to toss a few simoleons into the pot for my young ‘un: popcorn in a staggering variety of flavors, candy, and other miscellaneous comestibles are available at the above link for discriminating consumers of such items. Thanks so very, very much!
"Flush with cash". I remember that, from the long-ago days before the Bidenconomy.