Wonder if the D卐M☭CRATs fully realize what they just admitted to here?
The Most Justified Impeachment in American History
Secretary Mayorkas willfully allowing millions to invade the country is not just a “policy dispute.”As the House Homeland Security Committee advanced articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over an invasion of the country by millions, Democrats and some Republicans argued that it was a “policy dispute” and not impeachable.
“Political and policy disagreements aren’t impeachable offenses,” former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff argued in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. The Journal‘s own editorial board used that same line in its own subheader opposing impeachment, arguing that, “a policy dispute doesn’t qualify as a high crime and misdemeanor.”
Democrats have been making that argument all along.
The Democrat Committee on Homeland Security put forward a 45-page statement which mentions the word “policy” 45 times, and argues that, “impeachment is an extraordinary remedy under the United States Constitution. It is not a tool for policy or political differences.”
A “policy dispute,” note ye well, and for once there’s actually some truth in it. Their policy is not to have a border, to allow any and everybody who wants to to just stroll right across unmolested, unvetted, and unrecorded, to attach themselves remora-like to the welfare teat, elbow Americans out of jobs illegally, or meet up with the hordes of jihadists already imported and put their heads together so as to realize the eternal dream of taking the fight to the Great Satan on his own turf.
Problem is, the “extraordinary remedy” is in fact a perfectly appropriate means to resolve political disputes when no other recourse is available: impeachment is in and of itself an entirely political process, by definition.
Not to even mention that, coming from the selfsame assholes who impeached Trump repeatedly for having the temerity to speak of investigating Biden Crime Famiglia corruption abroad, suddenly turning on a dime and screescreescreeing about the “extraordinary” nature of impeachment is perhaps not quite as good a look for D卐M☭CRATs as they seem to think it is. And then there’s also this:
The same Democrats protesting that impeaching Mayorkas is an abuse of power were responsible for sending Peter Navarro, a former Trump official, to prison for refusing to testify before their partisan committee. That was and is an extraordinary abuse of power.
Mayorkas, unlike Navarro, is a sitting government official. Impeachment, as Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers, involves those “offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust.”
Impeachable offenses “relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself,” he wrote.
It’s hard to think of a better example than allowing millions of illegal aliens to invade the country, and doing everything possible to wilfully impede the efforts of states trying to slow that invasion.
As the internet meme goes, Homeland Security had one job. Is our homeland secure?
To ask the question is to answer it—an answer necessarily accompanied by bitter, sardonic laughter. Bottom line? This.
The impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas is not a matter of personal misconduct. There is no evidence that he is stealing, conducting an affair, taking or soliciting bribes or corrupting the government for his own personal agendas. His only actual crime is following orders.
And that’s the only argument against impeaching Mayorkas. He’s not acting on his own.
Enabling the mass invasion of the United States is not the action of one man, but of an administration, which has used every federal agency at its disposal, including the EPA, to enable that invasion, which has dispensed a fortune to the invaders to encourage them to invade, and another fortune to the refugee resettlers to make sure that they never leave.
And it’s not just the policy of one man or one administration, but of a party that has spent decades conniving, scheming and maneuvering, since the Kennedy administration, to fundamentally transform immigration law in order to shift the national demographics and the political culture through laws, UN treaties, economic incentives and the neglect of existing laws.
The impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas is not a matter of personal misconduct. There is no evidence that he is stealing, conducting an affair, taking or soliciting bribes or corrupting the government for his own personal agendas. His only actual crime is following orders.
Elected officials can have policy disputes, but appointed officials are managing the machinery of the state which must continue to run despite their partisan leanings. An anti-war secretary of defense cannot simply drive all the tanks into the ocean and announce that the United States will no longer defend itself against enemy invasions. And, contrariwise, a conservative EPA head cannot reject the concept of pollution and refuse to fulfill the responsibilities of his office.
That is what Secretary Mayorkas has done. He was following orders, but that’s no excuse. Cabinet members may be chosen by presidents, but they answer to two branches of the government. That second branch of the government is preparing to impeach Mayorkas for actions that have wrecked entire cities, trashed much of the country and cost countless lives.
No one died because of anything that Clinton or Trump faced impeachment for, but people have died in sizable numbers because of the action and inaction of Secretary Mayorkas and Biden. The murders, fentanyl overdoses and diseases spreading across the nation are a crime. They are a high crime whose origin lies with the policies of Mayorkas and the Biden administration.
If a political official willfully refusing to do his duty leading to an invasion of millions and the deaths of over a hundred people doesn’t justify impeachment, what possibly does?
Mayorkas is hardly the only Bidenista richly deserving of impeachment for his crimes, and impeachment is the verymost trivial of the sanctions the serial offenses of these Enemies, Domestic merit.
It's Not Migration, It's Colonization, By The Communist Chinese
They polluted their own country so that the soil can't grow crops that aren't full of cadmium, mercury, and arsenic - and so now they want our land - and possession is 99% of the law...And the “Democratic” and “Republican” Parties both facilitate this, the latter covering for the former’s bad acts. Trump has promised to deport these people back across the border, and to seal it against incursion - while Bai-den does nothing - and his CBP helps them to come across. That’s a clear choice for anyone opposed to the colonization and eventual control of the US by the Han Chinese, the most racist people on the face of the earth, who are content to live under brutal dictators, since they have no tradition of anything approaching democracy or republicanism. And both of the Democratic and Republican Establishments are giving not only comfort, but active aid - money, food, housing, medical care, transport - to these people invading the US on behalf of a hostile foreign power. Want some evidence? See the following: https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/its-not-migration-its-colonization