“Patriotism”—bah, humbug!
“Democracy,” cops, the prosecution persecution of Trump, the nature of Amerika v2.0's goobermint: TL asks the tough questions.
Patriotism? To What?
I wish more people could see the United States Government for what it really is, a brutal organization seeking every means of stepping on one’s neck while they rip the wallet from their back pocket. What method of thuggery have they refused to utilize? A SWAT team descending on a local preacher or common welder who participated in a protest is not police work or law enforcement, it’s terrorism. It’s not fear of the preacher or common welder that dictates their actions, but the sheer terror they might strike into the hearts of patriots that they strive for. Kill one to terrify ten thousand is the maxim of the communist. How else should we view them?In the simplest terms, they’re taking advantage of patriotism to enact and enforce the most brutal domestic policy since Stalin. Everyone knows some local cop who they conflate to the aggregate of copdom, but one’s intimate knowledge of one cop, good or bad, doesn’t provide testimony as to the rest. Cops, like everyone else, might be completely decent when alone, but become another animal all together when in a group, especially if that group feels threatened. To expect cops to act differently than the average person is to credit them with a level of evolution from the ordinary man that simply doesn’t exist.
The idea of patriotism to just any form of government is the product of brainwashing. It must be specific. This nation is largely communist in form and function and that’s lost on the average patriot, because we still have private property. Do we? Do you own something that can be taken away without penalty or prosecution? The way I explained it to a prospective county commissioner and to my county judge, is that if I own a coffee cup, I will never have to pay another dime to keep it. They can’t say that about property. The response, “then pay your taxes.” But there are no further taxes on the coffee cup I own, the chair I sit in or the refrigerator I take my drinks out of. Those are things I own. A service, like electricity, natural gas and internet connectivity are different, they supply me with consumables. Land is not a consumable brought to me through wires or pipes.
We are not communist, because the government doesn’t own the means of production. Doesn’t it? The means of controlling all of commerce is available to the government through OSHA, clean air and water regulations, even, as we just found out, pandemics. Give the government a good pandemic and you will see what owning the means of production matters to them. They control the means of production, can decide whether gasoline cars or electric cars will be built. They can decide whether one power generation method is used, or another one. They can limit the amount and source of steel production by using pollution legislation. We don’t own our property, our cars, or our businesses. Right now, they are going after Trump’s business, charging it with fraud to destroy it, regardless of testimony affirming that he, nor his business entities committed the fraud, it was just manufactured out of the crooked DA’s office. Again, we get back to Lavrentiy Beria and “show me the man and I will show you the crime.”
All of it dismal, depressing, and completely undeniable for any Real American who can still bear to keep his eyes wide open and just look around. Justin Smith follows up.
Our federal government and its institutions currently rest in the hands of anti-American communists and radicals, intent on destroying traditional America and transforming Her into something unrecognizable, foreign and vile, where U.S. citizens are no longer free to do anything other than obey. It’s a government that has been waging war against its citizens since day one, as it ruins America’s energy infrastructure and economy and destroys any semblance of border security, acting illegally every step of the way as if the Biden regime doesn’t have to abide by the will of the people.
But just where is the will of the American people? Why have they tolerated this miasmatic bullshit for so long, with so little outcry or outrage? They could take a lesson or two from the Irish it seems.
That really is the biggest question of them all, isn’t it? For my own part, I believe that truly, deeply liberty-oriented people are but a tiny minority, in this or any other populace. But all hope is not lost just yet, sayeth Smith.
This doesn’t mean they’ve won the war. Not yet. It simply exhibits there isn’t any moderation in those who would be our masters and their apparatchiks spread throughout our institutions. They are hellbent on total, final victory by bringing all America to its knees and breaking traditional America into a thousand pieces, and even tho’ their current power is vast and massive, so much do they fear losing, they press harder to bring all Americans to submit to their demands and policies, no matter how suicidal some of them may be.
If America falls to its knees, it should fall in prayer to God to provide our salvation from these Marxist-Maoist monsters who have infiltrated and infested our country.
Indeed. So what to do, then? The Founders certainly knew well enough.
Conservatives must awaken to the truth very soon, if they wish to have a country left. The only solution to the Marxist-Maoist communist ideology currently gripping our country in a death-grip is not the reform of our system or more amendments to the Constitution. The solution lies in the total and complete eradication of this ideology and its supporters from America proper. With the eradication of socialism and communism, the American people will see all these manufactured crises disappear into thin air, and we will be able to perhaps, one day in the not too distant future, restore some semblance of morality and normalcy to American society once again.
A few months back, before he passed away in May, a friend of mine, Tony “Bombdog” Horseman, a Vietnam Veteran from Cookeville, Tennessee, made note:
“In 1776 we had to clean house. The House is filthy again.”
No government has ever brought anyone their freedom and liberty, and no government could ever do so. It only exists through force and coercion, for the most part, even tho’ we give great credence to the notion it is really by our consent. It may start out with the people’s consent, but it always ends in tyranny, the antithesis of freedom. For freedom and liberty to thrive, government itself must be eliminated, or at least reduced so drastically in size as to hold it harmless against its citizens, but still left charged and able to defend the nation against foreign enemies and existential threats to the country.
Yes – little by little – and now at breakneck speed, the red, radical Democratic Party Communists have always intended to destroy our Republic, since at least 1913, and they are on an all or nothing all-out effort to complete its destruction, using tactics they sweetly refer to as “transformation”. Evil comes like a thief in the night, and it has overcome America at this juncture in time.
We must pray for America and God’s help, as we fight back with everything we’ve got, peacefully if possible and to the death if necessary; failure is no option.
Fire with fire – by Ballot or Bullet – at this point, I care not which; I aim to keep this America I love so well free. I owe it to my Children and Their Children’s Children and many generations beyond.
So you do, as do we all. For every Real American, a deadly reckoning awaits just beyond the near horizon: implacable, urgent, just as serious as serious ever has been, or could be.
Both the above-linked essays are must-reads, albeit uncomfortable, even in spots downright unpleasant. But nonetheless essential for all that, probably even more so.