One way out
No more time for legal niceties, political jockeying, negotiation, or mucking about.
There Is No Peaceful Solution for America
America has always undergone changes, but they were most usually changes made after well-considered arguments and discussions between all the people through their own free will. There’s nothing wrong with such righteous change, and our society will continue to change, but its change must not be made by dictatorial measures handed down as “law” after “passing” in some back-alley room in the dead of night and illegal executive orders without the review of the people.Even though America’s radicals and communists are going to keep racing ahead with their miserable, evil plans for the subjugation of all the American people, the good and decent American patriots still have a short window of opportunity to change our country’s current trajectory and alter the course of history for the better. But if good Americans stand by and do nothing, America’s enemies-from-within — the communist amerikkans — will succeed.
Although most states have laws that require militia’s to be “state approved”, America has moved into a realm where Democratic Party Communists ignore the law and the Constitution at will, and that ship sailed a long time ago. We cannot worry about legalities when dealing with ignoble criminals and a Deep State cabal who has no respect for the original Intent of the Constitution, and we can no longer play by the same rules as our predecessors. We have to organize as we see fit, outside of regular channels and the usual rules of order.
Conservatives must form their own militias at every state and local level, whether they are “approved” or not, and stand prepared and ready to shoot to kill and fight to the death, if it proves necessary to deter the forces of the Enemy-From-Within, by making full use of our Second Amendment Rights and our God-given Right to act in self-defense. We must do so to prevent the federal government — now in the hands of Democratic Party Communists — from holding a monopoly on the power that rightfully belongs to the American people, to be wielded in a righteous manner. If we fail, America will be enslaved. And while I have faith in the power of asymmetric tactics and guerrilla warfare, some 50 million gun owners in America today would be far more effective if they organized to use those tactics intelligently against this current existential threat to all America.
Deterrence is a great defense tactic, but when it fails, it’s better to have many allies than to be left standing all alone in the face of a terrible and deadly enemy with nothing but the wind whistling at your back.
And if one truly believes in freedom and individual liberty and the American idea and Her principles and virtues, a day will soon arrive when each free born American man and woman will have to depend on one another to maintain the security of our respective states, counties and local communities, from criminal, traitorous adversaries acting as agents of the government, as well as from the foreign invasion of Illegal Aliens and the rioters and looters in the ranks of the amerikkan communists within our cities.
Don’t wait ’til it’s too late.
I’d rather fight a civil war right this minute to decide once and for all the direction America will finally take and to end the communist scourge in America. Fight now, picking up the pieces after the chaos, in order to implement a truly free society that follows righteous law rather than one that follows a tyrannical double-standard of law granting privilege to political cronies to the detriment of political opponents.
Right or wrong, right now I see a situation arising in our country that will end with us having all our rights suppressed for the rest of this century, if we do not rise up and eradicate the current bastardized version of the Constitution and return the nation to an order aligned with America’s original principles and values, the actual founding of America; except with better checks and balances in place this time to ensure that no man or group of men can ever again subvert the nation in so egregious a manner as to put government agendas above the Bill of Rights and our Inalienable God-given Rights.
The American people can hope in one hand and shit in the other, but ultimately, if they wish to remain free, they are going to have to fight.
That’s been my own assessment of the situation for a good, long while now. Sad as it may be, dismaying, daunting, and even downright frightening though it surely is, history demonstrates that t’was ever thus. Freedom ain’t free, nor is it cheap, even. It is always bought and paid for in full—no discounts, no bargains, no haggling—with the blood of patriots…and tyrants. If not maintained and safeguarded with constant, jealous vigilance, it is always lost.
The Founders knew this way back in the 18th century, but us 21st-century Sooperdoopergenii seem to have forgotten completely. Or maybe it just embarrasses us too badly to let ourselves think about it much, now that we’ve sat on our asses and let a horde of purple-and-green haired lunatics who can’t decide if they’re men, women, or something in between steal our country from us.