Of motivations and inspirations
Might we at last have the REAL reason for Fox dumping their biggest draw? I think we just might.
A Tucker Carlson text message captured during the discovery phase of the Dominion Voting Systems defamation suit against Fox News alarmed the network's top brass and "contributed to a chain of events that ultimately led to [his] firing," according to The New York Times.
The content of Carlson's text, which was first reported and published by the Times on Tuesday night, was given to the paper by "several people close to the defamation suit." They did so in violation of a court order protecting various communications that surfaced in discovery.
The text in question was sent by Carlson to one of his producers on the afternoon of Jan. 7, 2021 -- the day after the January 6 riots on Capitol Hill. In the lengthy message, a candid Carlson introspectively shares the feelings he had when, a few weeks earlier, he'd seen video of "at least three" Trump supporters surrounding a single Antifa "kid" and severely beating him.
The TiQ (Text in Question):
Uh HUH. And that guilt-sodden confession is what's supposed to goad people like you and moi into paroxysms of outrageously outraged OUTRAGE!™, then inspire us to shun Tucker for his egregious offense against everything that’s good, right, and decent? Sorry, but, well…NO. Personally, my own feelings run more along the lines expressed in this Tweet:
Wow, Tucker Carlson talks and texts like a normal human being in private.
Devastating Fox News, absolutely devastating.— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle)
Having called many, many times over at the CF Mothershippe for not just beating the unholy snot out of pAntiFa/BLM pukes until the carcasses are fit only to be left bleeding out on the street, but sniping them from great distances—and having meant every last word of it, too—I can't blame Tucker even slightly for feeling the way he did about seeing exactly that transpiring before his very eyes. Granted, as a major-network personality, Tucker is in a much more sensitive position than a lowly blogger like me is, so I get why Murdoch might have dampened his Depends on seeing that.
So stipulated.
Be all that as it may, I suspect that there might be much more of precisely this sort of thing going on out there than we know about; at least, I fervently hope there is. A HUGE part of the problem, of why we are where we currently are, has been the so-far supine response to having actual, literal war waged against us by FederalGovCo and its pAntiFa minions.
And you can be sure that, if it IS happening, Jurassic Media will do its level best to keep quiet about it, until such time as they figure some real political hay might be made out of reporting it. Until they can use it to their advantage, not Peep One shall we hear. That’s no more than good strategic thinking on their part.
Ahh, but is there more still to this story? Yes, there is, and my old friend and fellow OG blogger Bill Quick knows what it is.
The more interesting question at the moment, for me, at least, is how soon Carlson will be able to negotiate his exit from FOX as well as avoid a no-compete clause as part of that departure, and assuming that he is able to do so reasonably quickly, how much of an impact he will be able to have going forward to the election?
Here’s an intriguing possibility: There are rumors that FOX News itself may be on the market soon. And an imitation Elon Musk Twitter account posed the question, “Should I buy Fox News?”
This is sheer blue sky, of course, but it is fun to think about. As of yesterday, Fox News was valued at $16.3B. Forbes has Elon’s current net worth at a mere $172.9B, so he could probably scrape that together somehow. And the notion isn’t as crazy as it sounds. Elon has big plans for Twitter, planning on turning it into some sort of “everything app,” and an operation like Fox might well fit into that. It would also greatly enlarge Musk’s clout in his efforts to encourage freedom of speech in America.
T’is a consummation devoutly to be wished. And I DO mean devoutly, too.