Ever wonder why it is that, over the last several years, if I bothered posting anything at all in remembrance of the anniversary of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks, it’s been something bitter and sarcastic, usually under the headline “Happy 9/11 Day!” or something along those lines?
SPOILER ALERT: expect the same this year.
Just In Time for 9/11 Anniversary, New York City Allows Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers
Did the 9/11 hijackers and plotters succeed? Can it finally be said, nearly twenty-two years after they murdered nearly three thousand people in New York and Washington, that they have attained their objectives?
Gee, I dunno. Ask people in Dearborn, Minneapolis, or Buffalo whose roots in those localities go back more than twenty or so years about that, maybe.
Back in 2003, Osama bin Laden wrote a letter to the American people in which he explained, “The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.” Twenty years later, that very call will resound from loudspeakers all over the city that was his chief target on Sept. 11, 2001. (All the 9/11-was-an-inside-job types can find bin Laden taking responsibility for the attacks here). New York Mayor Eric Adams on Tuesday announced what Gothamist described as “new NYPD rules” that “will allow mosques in New York City to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer without a permit.”
Adams couched this rule change in language designed to give the impression that he was doing something for people of all religious communities, but ended up making it clear that he was making a special concession to Muslims only: “For too long, there has been confusion about which communities are allowed to amplify their calls to prayer,” he said. “Today, we are cutting red tape and saying clearly, if you are a mosque or house of worship of any kind, you do not have to apply for a permit to amplify your call to Friday prayer.” Well, great, but the only “house of worship of any kind” that has a call to prayer, and particularly one for Friday, is a mosque.
As given to shallow demagoguery as any other Democrat politician, Adams concluded grandly: “You are free to live your faith in New York City.” That’s swell, although the religious freedom of Muslims in New York City wasn’t really restricted before this. Adams appears to be completely indifferent to the fact that there are non-Muslims in New York City as well as Muslims, and there has been controversy over the broadcast of the Islamic call to prayer over loudspeakers for years.
Is New York City, the site of the largest-ever jihad terror attack on American soil, wise to broadcast the cry “Allahu akbar,” beloved of jihad terrorists the world over? Chief 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta wrote a letter to himself before carrying out his jihad mission, in which he included this reminder: “Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.”
In the same vein, is New York City really wise to broadcast repeatedly a declaration of the superiority of Islam, a faith that directs its adherents to make war against Christians and other non-Muslims and subjugate them as inferiors under the hegemony of believers (cf. Qur’an 9:29)?
Neither Eric Adams nor any other New York officials will answer such questions. They won’t even be asked them. In New York City and all over America today, any such concerns will be dismissed out of hand as “Islamophobic.” And so twenty-two years after 9/11, the call to Islam will resound all over the city that suffered so much on that day. On Sept. 11, 2001, New York City was attacked by people who believed so fervently in that call that they were willing to give their lives for it, in hopes of receiving the promise of paradise that the Qur’an makes to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (9:111).
Osama bin Laden, had he lived to see this day, would be cheering.
Indeed he would. And why shouldn’t he? That’s one of the benefits of being the strong horse, see, and not the weak one. Mention is made in Spencer’s piece, although I left it out here, of the 156 noise complaints from aggrieved New Yorkers in East New York (a nabe in Brooklyn) when the Masjid al Aman mosque decided to crank up that jihadistracket there, which I’m sure resulted in a fair few arrests—of the people complaining, that is, not the Muzzrats inflicting their ear-splitting, discordant yodeling on everyone around them.
We all know the ironclad rule for the Mohammedans: once they have conquered a territory—any territory, anywhere—it is to be considered a Mooselimb fiefdom forever afterwards.
The Moslem call to prayer. Over loudspeakers. IN NEW YORK CITY, ON NINE FUCKING ELEVEN.
Incroyable. And also: sacre bleu, as well as merde alors. Been nice knowing ya, NYC; so long, and thanks for all the fun times I had there over the years. I’d say you should all hang your heads in shame, but clearly, you no longer have any. WORD TO YOUR JEWISH MOTHER: get out now, while you still can.