Not “Grimm’s,” note ye well. GRIM. Because in this one, there’s no happy ending for anyone involved except the bad guys.
Elon Musk has ripped the cloak of deceit off one of Britain’s most disgusting scandals
Once upon a time there was a good and fair country and people who lived in countries that were neither good nor fair travelled to that land and made it their home because they knew it to be kind. But some men who made that land their home brought the values of countries that were neither kind nor fair with them. Such men hated the female children they found in the good and fair country. The girls were white but not chaste; they were dirty unbelievers who went about unaccompanied as if they were boys. They disgusted the men, and they tempted them, which made them hate the female children even more. The monsters, for that is what the men became over time, caused savage harm to thousands of girls – so many that no one is yet sure of the number and may never be, for some were lost or killed. And the monsters drugged and bribed them, they made them sex slaves, branding the girls’ flesh with their initials, ramming large implements into their tiny bodies the better to accommodate four men.This may be hard to comprehend, dear reader, but the people of that enlightened land did not protect their daughters. I’m sorry to say they abandoned them to their fate. Police, whose duty it was to look after the most vulnerable, either arrested the girls, dismissed their pleas for help or left them with their tormentors. For that famously kind and decent land had fallen under a strange enchantment, which was called multiculturalism. It said that, no matter how wicked or cruel the men were to the children, you must never speak of it. The dark spell, and what a powerful spell it was (enough to vanquish justice and compassion), caused any who dared to say that Pakistani Muslim men were targeting white girls to become the bad people. Because all cultures are equal, you see, even ones that don’t believe in equality or which agree that girls who aren’t virgins are whores and deserve to be punished.
And those who struggled against the powerful spell that stifled their countrymen were called racist. And to be racist or bigoted or “far-Right” was to be far more hateful than any hatred inflicted on female children, or so the people of the good and fair country were told by their leaders.
And when the monsters swore at the children whom they were raping, saying, “White slag!” “White c—!” – well, that wasn’t at all racist. Because multiculturalism and the BBC say it cannot be so.
A few brave women (Julie, Ann, Maggie, Sarah) who woke from the enchantment and warned young girls were in danger from British Pakistani men were banished and forced to apologise for being “reckless in my choice of words”. Or they lost their seat in the shadow Cabinet.
And the evil – a vast, suppurating evil such as the land had not known for a thousand years – continued to blight that good and fair country. The authorities colluded to make sure the hatred must never speak its name, and the girls carried their lonely torment within them and their rapists got access to the babies they had impregnated them with. (Oh, yes, they did. So strong was the multicultural enchantment it made people surrender the values they had been born to.)
And the monsters were not banished from the good and fair country, not one of them sent back to countries that were neither good nor fair, in case their human rights were breached.
Then, one day, the richest man in the whole wide world came along and broke the dark spell. Elon had read court transcripts telling what those monsters had done to the female children, and he could not believe such unfathomable depravity had taken root in the good and fair country. Because of his great wealth, Elon could not be intimidated into agreeing that thousands of white girls should have been used as a peace offering to placate the gods of multiculturalism. His righteous wrath shamed the cowardly leaders of the land and in their panic they cried “Misinformation!” But the people were having none of it. For they were awake now and they saw what horrors the brutes had been allowed to get away with. As the wicked enchantment lifted, the malevolent myth of multiculturalism was unmasked, the country slowly but surely recovered its senses and demanded the guilty be found and punished, even unto the highest in the land.
As this is a fairytale, I guess it would be nice to say that they all lived happily ever after. Yet, even after it was agreed all the monsters would be deported to great national rejoicing, there was a terrible stain on the good and fair country’s history that would never quite be expunged. It stood shamed before the civilized world. And in the national memory, lodged forever it seemed, were the anguished, tortured, frightened cries of those who were allowed to suffer and die to avoid stirring up racial hatred.
The girls. The girls. The girls.
When I said above that it’s only the bad guys for whom there was a happy ending, it’s actually a good bit worse than that. In this story, there really are no good guys at all, only bad guys and their victims. Which makes the so-called “good and fair country” neither good, nor fair.
If I've said it once, I've said it twenty times - the people in the UK need a good dose of old Tom Jefferson's remedy: "We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable, that all men are created equal and independent; that from that equal creation they derive in rights inherent and inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, and liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these ends, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government shall become destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing it's powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes: and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, begun at a distinguished period, and pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to subject them to arbitrary power, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."
Not only is it their right to throw off their government, it is their duty to do so - and the harms will continue and intensify, until that appropriate action is taken...