But not at anything you’d want him doing, certainly not at what he tries to con you into believing he’s doing.
This is the kind of central government we have now, folks: venal, grubby, dishonest, corrupt, and 99 & 44/100% pure Evil. Forget the Founding Fathers, they’d refuse to have anything whatever to do with their despicable posterity for sitting idly back and putting up with this shit. Really, who could blame ‘em? They’re much too busy spinning in their graves to concern themselves with us Serf Class knaves anyhow.
Anthony Fauci, the Man Who Thought He Was Science
On Call, Anthony Fauci's new memoir, can't disguise the damage caused by his COVID-19 policies.As a young medical student, I admired Tony Fauci. I bought and read Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, a vital textbook that Fauci co-edited. In reading his new memoir, On Call, I remembered why I admired him. His concern about his patients' plights, especially HIV patients, comes through clearly.
Unfortunately, Fauci's memoir omits vital details about his failures as an administrator, an adviser to politicians, and a key figure in America's public health response to infectious disease threats over the past 40 years. His life story is a Greek tragedy. Fauci's evident intelligence and diligence are why the country and the world expected so much of him, but his hubris caused his failure as a public servant.
It is impossible to read Fauci's memoir and not believe he was genuinely moved by the plight of AIDS patients. Since the first time he learned of the illness from a puzzling and alarming case report, his laudable ambition has been to conquer the disease with drugs and vaccines, cure every patient, and wipe the syndrome from the face of the earth. He is both sincere and correct when he writes that "history will judge us harshly if we don't end HIV."
On balance, the author of this review is far kinder to the demonic serial killer Fauci than is warranted by the facts; as he admits in that first ‘graph, in his misguided youth he admired the evil piece of musk-ox dung, and from his gentle approach to the topic at hand it’s all too obvious that, in some small way, he still does. Another datapoint in support of my “Fauci=Evil” contention.
In the early days of the war on terror, Fauci became head of civilian biodefense, with the mandate to develop and stockpile countermeasures to biowarfare agents. This appointment made Fauci one of the most well-paid and powerful figures in the U.S. government. Fauci leveraged his deep knowledge of the federal bureaucracy, streamlining federal contracting rules to issue "sole source contracts" and "rapid research grants" to create constituencies of companies and scientists who depended on Fauci for their success.
In 2005, avian flu emerged and spread among birds, chickens, and livestock. Also spreading were worries that the virus could evolve to become more transmissible among human beings. Fauci deployed NIAID money to develop an avian flu vaccine, leading the government to stockpile tens of millions of ultimately unused and unnecessary doses.
At this point, virologists persuaded Fauci's NIAID to support dangerous scientific lab experiments designed to make the avian flu virus more easily transmissible among humans.
In 2011, NIAID-funded scientists in Wisconsin and the Netherlands succeeded. They published their results in a prestigious scientific journal, so that anyone with the knowledge and resources could replicate their steps. They effectively weaponized the avian flu virus and shared the recipe with the world, with Fauci and his agency in full support.
I’ll just step back and let Ace handle the executive summary.
He's a mass murderer on a scale undreamed of by Hitler.
But that's not all. Emails gotten through FOIA demands prove that Fauci was protecting his friend Peter Daszak thoughout the covid crisis, from denying there was any possibility at all that covid could escape from his gain-of-function bat virus lab in Wuhan, to constantly defying multiple presidents' orders to shut down gain-of-function funding.
Obama shut it down too, but Fauci went behind his back, redefined "gain of function" in the federal rules, and started funding it again.
When Trump told him to shut down the funding to Daszak in 2020, Fauci just had Daszak reapply for the grant under a slightly different pretext and gave him the money.
Our money.
But why should we get to decide what our money is spent on? Fauci, who is Science, must step in and take that right away from us.
Trust the experts.
“Experts,” forsooth; it is to laugh, albeit bitterly.
Lest we forget, there’s also the sick, utterly sadistic “puppy” experiments, among various other nauseating examples of Fauci’s marrow-deep perversity, his casual indifference to pain and suffering whether animal or human, his sociopathic lack of anything even marginally describable as conscience, empathy, rectitude, or simple human decency.
Bottom line, then: Anthony Fauci is neither a scientist, nor an expert, nor even a doctor in the sense most of us understand the word, having been for his whole career strictly a bureau-weasel who has never made a single diagnosis; never worked a single day in a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital; never treated a single patient—not ONE, not EVER. His license to practice medicine, like many other aspects of his working life, was merely a useful credential to help him scale the DC ladder to the very pinnacle of influence, power, and wealth, nothing more.
What Fauci in truth is is a grifter, a manipulator, a deceiver, a gladhanding, double or triple-dealing politician, an inhuman monster. Having been in the last years of his twisted career the highest-paid official in the federal goobermint entire, he is a shockingly wealthy man who, rather than being hanged for his serial atrocities in accordance with the demands of common decency and simple, bedrock justice, will instead cap off a forty-year string of outrageous criminality and mass murder by enjoying one of the most cushy, idyllic retirements in the history of American government.