Dad reacts properly and intelligently, scumbag gets a righteous beat-down before being shipped off to the Big House for a 25-year stretch of sheer, living hell.
When is Rape Called ‘Spreading Love’?
A father returned home from grocery shopping in 2014 to find a family member forcibly raping his 11 year old son. When he entered his home, he heard noises coming from his son’s room and opened the door and found 18 year old Raymond Frolander with his pants around his ankles, forcibly raping the child. The father called 911, telling them:I just walked in on a grown man molesting [name redacted]. And I got him in a bloody puddle for you right now, officer.
When the 911 dispatcher asked the father if any weapons were involved, the father replied:”‘My foot and my fist. He is nice and knocked out on the floor for you, I dragged him into the living room. Send an ambulance. He is going to need one.
The dispatcher asked: ‘Is he still unconscious?’
The father replied: “Yes…I hit hard, sir. He’s a damn lucky boy that I love my God.
The boy told police that the man had been molesting him since he was 8 years old. Eight! The man admitted to molesting the child. He was convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison. He is in the sixth year of that sentence.
“He’s going to learn in the next 25 years why I let him live,” the father said.
The boy’s grandmother said the boy was no longer in the area and is being home schooled. “He’s doing great,” she said.
Some are complaining that the father went too far. I would not be one of them.
Nor I. But I’m glad that Dad stayed his hand anyhow; the photo of the thorougly lumped-up shitheel Divemedic includes in his above-linked post is gratifying indeed, and the thought of what this sick fuck will have to endure behind bars is even more so. But there’s a far less gratifying point to be made, which DM does concisely.
Had this happened today and not 8 years ago, there would be protests and parades in his honor. “We shouldn’t be putting these poor, sexually confused people through this sort of persecution,” they tell us. How do I know that? There is a current FaceBook page that is advocating to have Frolander released. That page says very disturbing things such as “at least he was spreading love and not violence or guns.” That’s right—grown men raping young boys is called “spreading love” according to the left and their LGTBQ supporters.
Indeed so; original supporting link included for a change, just in case anybody here wants to see for themselves. I had a look in—a quite brief one, mind—and you can take my word for it that it’s truly nauseating. If you’re inclined to verify it yourself, be sure you leave yourself plenty of time for a good, cleansing shower afterwards, you’re gonna need one.
Remember all this next time the pedophile Leftard fucks insist that there’s really no such thing as “grooming” at all, then in the next breath turn around and demand that we use the officially-endorsed phrase “MAP” (for Minor Attrracted Person) when referring to such waste-of-skin oxygen thieves, so as to “respect their rights” and avoid bruising their delicate sensibilities with our irrational bigotry and hatred.
Another thing Normals absolutely must remember, never to be forgotten: this is who The Enemy is; this is What They Do: they support and enable people who rape children, and then deny they’re doing any such thing. And any silly-assed Vichy-GOPe RINO type who waxes all histrionic trying to tell you that there IS no enemy, that we must not ever think in such terms about “our fellow Americans” (*spit*), you just shoot him in the fucking face right on the spot. Because by their fruits shall ye know them, and he’s just identified himself as The Enemy his own worthless self, whether he intended to or not.
[Remember all this next time the pedophile Leftard fucks insist that there’s really no such thing as “grooming” at all]
And yet, strangely, they get pissed off when they're called groomers, as in "OK, groomer."