"15 days"? THREE YEARS to flatten the curve
Nothing whatsoever to celebrate about this decidedly grim anniversary.
More Than Half of Democrats Say Their Lives Will Never Return to Pre-Covid ‘Normal'
It's not difficult to find individuals who haven't returned to pre-COVID normal roaming in our midst. People still wear face masks on planes and public transit — and sometimes while driving alone in their cars. The ultra-boosted crowd still posts selfies while getting their umpteenth jab. Others still insist that it's "unsafe" to attend large events.
These people, while often the butt of jokes, can seem like the small minority of Americans — especially in conservative circles — now three years since the pandemic kicked off. But, according to new survey data from Gallup, they might make up a majority of Democrats.
Gallup's survey found that, overall, one-third of Americans said their lives are "completely back to normal" while 20 percent said things aren't yet normal but will be and 47 percent said things are "not back to normal" and "will not return" to normal.
Gallup emphasized in its report that, despite waning pandemic mandates and restrictions, those "who don't foresee a return to normalcy may be getting used to a 'new normal' that, for some, means occasional mask use, regular COVID-19 vaccines and avoidance of some situations that may put them at greater risk of infection, particularly at times when COVID-19 infections are spiking." No thanks?
The pollster also noted that the "issue remains politically charged, with Republicans more likely to report a return to normal, while Democrats are more likely to say their lives will never be the same again.”
Broken down by party affiliation, a whopping 53 percent of Democrats say life is "not back to normal" and never will be. Forty-nine percent of independents say the same, but just 33 percent of Republicans think the normalcy ship has sailed.
Oh, it’s sailed all right, for sure and certain. Anybody who doesn’t think so is cordially invited to get back to me when the coming “climate change” rerun of the FauxVid Scamdemic program—lockdowns, masks, mandatory small-business closures, the whole ball of wax—kicks in a few short years down the road. And make no mistake: it’s going to.
My best guesstimate, based on the docile, bovine compliance we saw the first time around, is that the response-ratio next time will likely break down something along these lines:
One-third will cheer themselves raw-throated for the imposition of The New Tyranny, thankful for their Überstadt “savior’s” wise and benevolent intervention to save us from ourselves
One-third will be upset that the strictures don’t go far enough
Slightly under one-third will shrug their shoulders and do as they’re told with no more than very occasional murmurs of complaint, furtively whispered to their close friends and family and absolutely no one else
The remaining infinitesimally small fragment who will actually bestir themselves to actively resist and defy further grotesquely illegal encroachments will be denounced, shunned, persecuted, and ultimately banished, possibly jailed outright for their callous, intolerable disregard for the public weal
I could easily be taking too pessimistic and cynical a view here, I admit. Certainly, I do fervently hope that’s the case, but alas, all available evidence points in the other direction. After the long Parade Of Horribles we’ve witnessed over the past several years—election theft; pAntiFa/BLM riots openly encouraged by the authorities; upwards of a thousand peaceful and wholly guiltless J6 protesters tossed into the Amerikan Gulag for “parading,” “trespassing,” and other trivial misdemeanors; well over a hundred billion US taxpayer dollars lavished on Zelenksy as hush-money to buy his continuing silence about the Biden Crime Family’s use of his corrupt nation as an ATM; rampant FBI malfeasance which is politically motivated, and much, much more—without it sparking much in the way of effective reaction, optimism has gotten kinda tough to maintain.
America is no longer America because Americans are no longer Americans; the latter is the requisite precondition for the former, without which etc etc. This, too, is neither happenstance nor coincidence. Like all the rest of it, it’s all part of a Plan—a Plan which is being brought to full fruition in real time, right in front of our very eyes.